CLIENT / PROMOTOR is responsable for:

Here at Foam Pit Hire we take safety very seriously.  As a reputable and professional company, specialising in foam parties  in  Hawaii, we have implemented many regulations that safety officers and, environmental health agencies enforce all over the country.  We want to ensure that you and your guest have a great but safe night.

• ABSOLUTELY NO GLASS ARE ALLOWD INSIDE FOAM PIT  Broken Glass - as an important safety factor we ask the venue to serve all       beverages in  PLASTIC CUPS ONLY so as to prevent any injury from broken glass. Alternatively, if we operate a specific 'foam area', security must ensure no glass is carried into this area.

• Keep customers away from our equipment.
• No climbing, bouncing off the side walls or running are allowed in the foam pit.
• Signs to be displayed around the venue.
• Adequate Security or stewards to provide crowed safety

• Plastic bags for your  gests put wallet  phones

• Provide water , electricity 

                                              yes we have insurance 



​​​​​​Foam Parts Info: The foam fluid - is specifically designed and made for the purpose of foam parties. The foam is non-irritant to the skin or eyes, will not damage clothes      or flooring materials, has no odor and is not slippery or sticky (unlike soap). We also have Dermatological test data regarding its safety for general use.

Water - Once the fluid is turned into foam only about 5% of the foam will become liquid as it dissolves. The rest will remain as foam and evaporate or be carried out on peoples clothing.
Customers Clothes - People partying in the foam will experience a humid, or dampness on their clothing, depending on how long they remain in the foam and where they are standing relative to the machine. The foam will not damage or discolor clothes.

After party we will clean up the foam left over and water.
The inflatable pit wont leak any water to the outside.

Other Water Games available:

- Water Balls - Water Tag -  Battery Boat Jumper-  Pedal Boat - Water Slides -

Money's Received by Party Rental Hawaii L.L.C  are non-refundable under no circumstances